zondag 11 december 2011

WinterTime in Rotterdam

Hii Everyone..

Its Finally December.. Our favourite month of the year.. Chris and I have both our birthdays in december and besides that there is offcourse a lot going on in December.. Christmas, New Year and the Dutch Sinterklaas festivity (its kinda like Santaclaus day?!)

I just lovee this month.. Chris and i already ate a lots of Fritters (We call them Oliebollen, but i hope im saying it right in english lol) (In Holland we only eat this in December.) The streets are all lightent up  .. our Christmas tree's are already decorated.. Howw i lovee it!

I hope we all can enjoy this month and hope to have this much pleasure next year aswell.. Chris and i wish everyone of you readers all the best. May your holidays be a lot of fun with your families and lovedones :)) Xoxo Sona&Christina

                                          We ate a few OLIEBOLLENNN 2day with Christina!!!

                   Yesterday on my way to Chrisses her bday celebration.. a lot more pics to come

                 My Christmas tree at home (Sona)

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